Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Linking digiGENICS Blog with my FaceBook page

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Social Networking - 140 characters are worth?

My social networking on Twitter, a social media networking site, has increased 1300% [and rising] over the past 3 months, but when you start at 0%, getting to 1300% is relatively easy. Since I do social networking primarily for business purposes, I was thinking, “What is my ROI?” After all, time is money!

Twitter allows you to create short 140 character messages you can use for any purpose. You can announce a new service, a new product, a new promotion, an upcoming webinar, speaking engagements, anything that you are doing at the time or thinking about doing. You have 140 characters to say it which for everyone is a blessing in disguise, especially if you are communicating with Joe Biden. [For those of you who have been hibernating over the past month, Mr. Biden is our new Vice President and considered a little long winded.]

Your 140 character messages are called Tweets. Cute! So you Tweet on Twitter. That will endear the professional business person. Picture this…

You’re a lawyer billing clients at $5000 per hour and you call Donald Trump and say, “Donald I just saw your Tweet on Twitter and wanted to congratulate you on closing the deal on the Trump International Hotel & Tower Dubai.”

I have been connecting with a lot of business entrepreneurs on Twitter lately. Speaking of Donald Trump, he is on twitter at If it is good enough for the Donald, it is good enough for…

So, how much is your 140 character message worth? President Barack Obama's Tweets are worth $41,150 accrding to He has more than 225,000 followers.

How would you like to be able to broadcast your Tweets to more than 225,000 people at the click of a mouse who choose to follow you? Following someone is your choice - That's the American way! What if you just got back a .001 response from the companies you Tweeted and they purchased some of your products or services. That's 225 companies who bought your products and services.

What is your average sale amount? How much did it cost you to send your Tweet?

Think back on your last direct mail campaign. How many companies were on your mailing list? How much did your direct mail campaign cost?

What is your social network efforts worth. It is not the arbitrary amount assigned by, but it is the sales you could be generating from a…Tweet!

Get Social! Develop your social networking skills on a social networking media site of your choice.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Follow me on

Happy Tweeting!!!

Ed Podowski, Chief Client Solutions Specialist

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

President Obama Raising The Bar For Business

I just watch President Obama issue an executive order banning his White House staff' from lobbing while he is president. He is keeping his campaign promises.

It doesn't even matter if it is enforcable. I write this to take the wind out of the sails of the cynics who want to argue the validity of this order.

President Obama may not be the first to keep a campaign promise, but he is the first one that I remember and that is all that matters to me. He also raised the bar for integrity for everything business. Not just the business of politics. He said he was going to change Washington and he started on "day one."

If wall street would take note, maybe we can raise the integrity of the financial markets. the financial markets are a large part of the problem in this economy.

All business owners may want to take note also. If we run our companies with integrity and honesty, when all is said and done, we may not always make money on every project, but we will always have our integrity. Our employees will look to us for leadership.

Isn't that what has already happened with the new president. America is looking to President Obama to solve the problem in Washington.

To Be Continued...

Saturday, January 03, 2009

A Second Time...

If one chooses...there can be a second time.

Happy New Year! 2009 is going to be a great year.

I can't believe it has been more than 4 years since my last [and first] blog post. [That may explain why I don't have a following. Not a recommended practice.] Similar to the first time, I was reading the Official Google Blog about its product releases for 2008 and went I click one of the links, I was asked to sign in. When I signed in, I was confronted with another question, "Would you like to create a blog?" Sure! When I typed in the name of my company, digiGENICS as the name of the blog, it says it was already taken. Impossible! You see, I created the name digiGENICS. I must have been here before.

As a Microsoft Partner, we have changed / upgraded servers and server operating systems and email programs several times since November 2004. We are currently operating Microsoft Small Business Server 2003 Premium Edition R2. [This has been the best Small Business Server operating program since NT Small Business Server, if anyone can remember that one. You've been around for awhile, like me. Which may explain why I didn't remember I was here before.] Where was I - the server and operating systems changes...we must have eliminated the email address I used when I created our blog account. I took a guess, sent it up again on our Microsoft Exchange Server and request a sign in which allowed to reconnect my blog to my Google Account. Google is so smart!

We provide Search Engine Marketing for a lot companies and we use our Google Account for different Google AdWords campaigns, etc. So now each week when I sign into our Google Account, I will be reminded to post something on this blog.

My New Years Resolution For 2009: Blog more often, which means if I post at least one more blog in 2009, I have kept my new years resolution.

Until next time, Ed Podowski, Chief Client Solutions Specialist

I Wish You And Your Family And Your Friends A Very Happy, Healthy, Safe and Prosperous New Year!

Saturday, November 13, 2004

A First Time

There is always a first time, if one chooses.

I was reading about blogging and decided I always talked about writing. This would be an opportunity to write an article, get instant public feedback [maybe], perfect it and publish it.

This is not going to be political, but it maybe controversial. Until next time! :)