Wednesday, January 21, 2009

President Obama Raising The Bar For Business

I just watch President Obama issue an executive order banning his White House staff' from lobbing while he is president. He is keeping his campaign promises.

It doesn't even matter if it is enforcable. I write this to take the wind out of the sails of the cynics who want to argue the validity of this order.

President Obama may not be the first to keep a campaign promise, but he is the first one that I remember and that is all that matters to me. He also raised the bar for integrity for everything business. Not just the business of politics. He said he was going to change Washington and he started on "day one."

If wall street would take note, maybe we can raise the integrity of the financial markets. the financial markets are a large part of the problem in this economy.

All business owners may want to take note also. If we run our companies with integrity and honesty, when all is said and done, we may not always make money on every project, but we will always have our integrity. Our employees will look to us for leadership.

Isn't that what has already happened with the new president. America is looking to President Obama to solve the problem in Washington.

To Be Continued...


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