Saturday, January 03, 2009

A Second Time...

If one chooses...there can be a second time.

Happy New Year! 2009 is going to be a great year.

I can't believe it has been more than 4 years since my last [and first] blog post. [That may explain why I don't have a following. Not a recommended practice.] Similar to the first time, I was reading the Official Google Blog about its product releases for 2008 and went I click one of the links, I was asked to sign in. When I signed in, I was confronted with another question, "Would you like to create a blog?" Sure! When I typed in the name of my company, digiGENICS as the name of the blog, it says it was already taken. Impossible! You see, I created the name digiGENICS. I must have been here before.

As a Microsoft Partner, we have changed / upgraded servers and server operating systems and email programs several times since November 2004. We are currently operating Microsoft Small Business Server 2003 Premium Edition R2. [This has been the best Small Business Server operating program since NT Small Business Server, if anyone can remember that one. You've been around for awhile, like me. Which may explain why I didn't remember I was here before.] Where was I - the server and operating systems changes...we must have eliminated the email address I used when I created our blog account. I took a guess, sent it up again on our Microsoft Exchange Server and request a sign in which allowed to reconnect my blog to my Google Account. Google is so smart!

We provide Search Engine Marketing for a lot companies and we use our Google Account for different Google AdWords campaigns, etc. So now each week when I sign into our Google Account, I will be reminded to post something on this blog.

My New Years Resolution For 2009: Blog more often, which means if I post at least one more blog in 2009, I have kept my new years resolution.

Until next time, Ed Podowski, Chief Client Solutions Specialist

I Wish You And Your Family And Your Friends A Very Happy, Healthy, Safe and Prosperous New Year!


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